Superheat Heat Treatment

New Delaware Location

On Wednesday, July 25th, Superheat hosted a Grand Opening for our new Delaware location! We offered tours of our new office and shop, as well as a live demo of our latest equipment. A BBQ lunch was served with chicken, steak, ribs, burgers, and more, on us! There was also a chance to win some incredible door prizes – including our Grand Prize; A pair of Phillies Field Seats (Section 116 Row 27, Behind the Phillies Dug-out for the Wednesday, AUG 15th game against the Boston Red Sox)!

Thanks for coming!

26 Parkway Circle Unit E
New Castle, DE 19720
Tel: 302.276.2522
Fax: 302.276.0689

Photo collage of Superheat open house in Delaware

Founded in 2000, Superheat was built on the belief that innovation and technological advancement can drive safer, more cost-effective, and high-quality on-site heat treatment services. Today, we are the world’s leading provider of preheat, post-weld, and induction rental heat treatment services, committed to long-term sustainable growth in the industrial, energy, and oil sectors. For media inquiries, please contact us at or call 1.888.508.3226.