Superheat Heat Treatment

UPA Annual Meeting & Exhibition

On January 17th 2019, Superheat participated in the Utah Petroleum Association’s Annual Meeting and Exhibition. This event allowed us to connect with oil and gas professionals, government leaders, and industry allies for an opportunity to understand and advance the responsible development of Utah’s natural resources and manufacture of fuels.

Pictured below is Business Development Manager, Jeremy “Cowboy” Gregerson, displaying a typical Superheat set-up towards Better, Safer & Faster heat treatment services. A great day had by all!

UPA Annual Meeting and Exhibition

Founded in 2000, Superheat was built on the belief that innovation and technological advancement can drive safer, more cost-effective, and high-quality on-site heat treatment services. Today, we are the world’s leading provider of preheat, post-weld, and induction rental heat treatment services, committed to long-term sustainable growth in the industrial, energy, and oil sectors. For media inquiries, please contact us at or call 1.888.508.3226.