Superheat Heat Treatment

How a Nuclear Facility Reduced Radiation Exposure Risks


A nuclear facility recently needed aid on heat treating various components within a containment area. Using Superheat SmartWay™, the client was able to reduce the time contractors spent in the containment area to ZERO for multiple 15-hour heat treatment cycle duration’s.


The large nuclear power facility required maintenance heat treatment services. Their existing solution could not be completed without contractors being exposed to possible radioactive contaminants.


In the past, the client’s previous heat treatment provider set up and monitor equipment from inside the containment area. Within this area was a multitude of environmental and safety hazards such as radioactive steam and water. Having contractors in this area during the heat treatment cycle drastically increased the potential for radiation exposure to personnel untrained in exposure procedures.

Smart Solution

To mitigate the risk of radiation exposure, Superheat and the client agreed to position the power source and local monitoring equipment outside the containment area. In addition, the client gave Superheat access to their internet connection, permitting the equipment to remotely transmit a control signal to the Superheat SmartCenter™, allowing real-time monitoring of the heat treatment process from outside the exposure area.


By utilizing Superheat SmartWay™, including remote monitoring from the Superheat SmartCenter™, the client was able to reduce the risk of radiation exposure to ZERO for heat treatment personnel throughout the duration of the heat treatment cycle. This was then repeated for several heat treatment applications. By removing workers from inside the containment zone, the client and Superheat were able to perform the heat treatment safely and efficiently.

Founded in 2000, Superheat was built on the belief that innovation and technological advancement can drive safer, more cost-effective, and high-quality on-site heat treatment services. Today, we are the world’s leading provider of preheat, post-weld, and induction rental heat treatment services, committed to long-term sustainable growth in the industrial, energy, and oil sectors. For media inquiries, please contact us at or call 1.888.508.3226.