Superheat Heat Treatment

Brand Evolution

As the first month of 2019 comes to an end, we are reminded of the transformation this past year has been for Superheat. Since being founded in 2000, the evolution of our brand has grown significantly. From our website and messaging to our truly refined and innovative process, we are proud of the progress we have made over the years in all facets of the business.

Superheat Kincardine Building in 2000
Superheat Headquarters – 2006
Superheat Kincardine Building Early 2000
Superheat Headquarters – 2015
Superheat Kincardine Building Rebrand 2018
Superheat Headquarters – 2018

Superheat began in 2000 and was founded on the principle that innovation and technology advancements can produce a safer, more cost-effective, quality-driven way to provide high-quality on-site heat treatment services. We remain the world’s premier preheat and post weld heat treatment service provider and continue to build a long-term sustainable growth company providing services to the industrial energy and oil markets. For any media-related questions or inquiries, please email or call 1.888.508.3226.