On-Site Heat Treatment Service:
Post Bake aka Bake Out
What Is Post Bake aka Bake Out?
A heat treatment process that is performed immediately following welding; after Preheat and before Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT). Post Bake eliminates hydrogen that may have been introduced during welding by thermal expansion on a molecular level. Heating the HAZ (Heat Affected Zone) immediately after welding allows hydrogen to diffuse out of the material before it has fully set. Thus, reducing the risk of hydrogen embrittlement, which overtime can lead to Hydrogen Assisted Cracking or Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HAC and HIC respectively).
Other On-site Heat Treatment Services We Provide:
Learn More About Superheat’s Advanced Offerings:
📢 In Partnership with Miller Electric, We Bring You an Enhanced Induction Rental Experience
We have leveraged our combined knowledge and technology to amplify the usability, digital quality management, and field-level support of your rented Miller ProHeat™ 35 induction heating consoles.
To read how Superheat is making safety the priority in their on-site heat treatment services, click here.