On-Site Heat Treatment Service:
Weld Preheating Services
In regard to piping and tubing, weld preheating services are the application of heat to a base metal (weld metal, HAZ, and adjacent base metal) before and throughout welding, as well as at the start of each pass in a multi-pass weld. The primary purpose of weld preheating services is to drive off moisture prior to the start of welding, reducing the cooling rate and increasing hydrogen diffusion within the weld to prevent cracking. Reducing the cooling rate, as a result of preheating in welding, also redistributes solidification stresses and reduces the formation of hard or brittle microstructure components associated with a defective weld.
Temperature codes and specifications are based on material composition and thickness; however, preheating in welding temperatures may also utilize fabrication codes to provide exemptions for post welding heat treatments (PWHT). For reasons explained above, most welding procedures specify minimum & maximum pre heat/interpass temperatures that must be maintained whenever welding takes place.
Other On-site Heat Treatment Services We Provide:
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We have leveraged our combined knowledge and technology to amplify the usability, digital quality management, and field-level support of your rented Miller ProHeat™ 35 induction heating consoles.